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Productos y servicios terapéuticos S.L.U.

ABOUT US Our mission The PROTERTECH mission is to bring the most innovative and advanced solutions in physical medicine and rehabilitation to healthcare professionals, thereby changing the lives of thousands of people with disabilities in the process. With the progressive aging of the world’s population and the ever greater number of people needing rehabilitation, robotics, virtual reality, sensorization and other advanced technologies are playing a significant role in helping physical therapists, occupational therapists, doctors and other professionals enhance their patients’ quality of life. Read more Our services Services for developers PROTERTECH covers all phases of the medical device industrialization process… Read more Healthcare centers We offer specific services designed for clinics, hospitals & other healthcare centers… Read more Training for healthcare professionals Training is essential to healthcare professionals being able to exploit all the potential technology brings… Read more OUR VALUES At PROTERTECH, we reflect our values in our daily work to offer patients, researchers, professionals and caretakers all over the world the best solutions. SEND US YOUR IDEA PROTERTECH can help you turn your idea into reality. Do you have an idea that may enrich the lives of people with disabilities or functional dependence? Send us your idea and we’ll contact you to discuss it. All of your data will be processed under strict confidentiality. Read more. SUCCESS STORIES NeuroFit More Than Just a Gym Designed for Stroke Patients. NeuroFit® is an innovative gym designed to help patients who’ve had a stroke or any other type of brain injury that affects their motor skills recover their mobility and independence. It combines gamification, progressiveness and active rehabilitation techniques. Read more COLLABORATIVE WORK OUR EXECUTIVE STAFF Javier Saavedra Martínez Product Manager Managing Director Iberia (Spain & Portugal) and Member of the Executive Board at Eureka Corporate Group. I contribute my experience and capital to projects with international potential. María Paz Bureo Gutiérrez Clinical Director Director of NEUROFIT and FISIOASISTENCIA. Businesswoman. Investor in projects related to the world of disability. Francisco J. Ledo Turiel Administration and HR Manager Professor of Human Resources in the International Master of Sports Management. My experience applied to the search for projects.

Productos y servicios terapéuticos S.L.U.

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Productos y servicios terapéuticos S.L.U.
Paseo de la Castellana, 171, 4ºI 28046 Madrid, Spain